Aktuelle Jobs und Stellenangebote für communications in Bitterfeld-Wolfen - Apr. 2024

4 Jobangebote für communications in Bitterfeld-Wolfen

You'll be actively involved in the approval and analysis of headcount and project budget.Your role includes supporting and tracking our budgeting process for our investments and cost centers.Acting as

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Dein Arbeitsschwerpunkt ist die Planung und Durchführung von Instandhaltungsmaßnahmen und Optimierungsarbeiten an unseren Chemieanlagen der Facility.Du gewährleistest den rechtkonformen Betrieb unsere

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Responsible for planning and conducting experiments: You will be responsible for planning, conducting and evaluating experiments to optimize our high-efficiency tandem solar cells, processes and syste

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You are responsible for the development of new data analysis routines for high-efficiency solar cells in our state-of-the-art R&D facility in Thalheim.You are the key expert for data analysis, pro

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