Aktuelle Jobs und Stellenangebote für Design in Köln - Apr. 2024

3 Jobangebote für Design in Köln

...r – our services are free of charge, non-binding and discreet! We look forward to hearing from you. Design robust and scalable solutions for the backend, middleware, and frontend systems in

Job ansehen

...ping and testing the application and also discussing requirements with the stakeholderThis includes design and implantation of C# components for calculation purposes as well as designing and

Job ansehen

...r – our services are free of charge, non-binding and discreet! We look forward to hearing from you. Design, embed, operate and scale data governance processes across various data programs,

Job ansehen

Jobchancen in Köln

Köln liegt im Westen Deutschlands, im Bundesland Nordrhein-Westfalen, am Rheinufer. Die Stadt ist bekannt für ihre lange Geschichte, beeindruckende Architektur und lebendige Kultur.
Stellenangebote in Köln