Aktuelle Jobs und Stellenangebote - Juni 2024

77 Jobangebote

Positionierung des gesamten Produkt- und Lösungsportfolios bei den verantworteten KundenErstansprache und Gewinnung von NeukundenAusbau der Netzwerke und Strukturen bei den verantworteten Schlüsselkun

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Defining business requirements and aligning them with businessTranslating business requirements into technical requirementsAssessing feasibility and planning technical implementationCreation, Enhancem

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Als Customer Service Mitarbeiterin sind Sie die zentrale Anlaufstelle für Kunden für Ihr zugewiesenes Kundenportfolio und stellen sicher, dass alle alltäglichen kundenbezogenen Aktivitäten (z. B. Auft

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Ensure the operation of the existing InfluxDB 2.x, currently Community Edition and Telegraf, open source server agent Update and patch management Regular check and documentation of the basic functions

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Aufbau der Abteilung Business Development für die Sparte Payment & Fintech Identifizierung von Kunden, sowie Aufbau von potentielle Partnerschaften mit Unternehmen in der FinTech Branche Durchführ

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Analyze historical data on customer system (deployed on MS Azure or AWS) usage. Leverage ML models or other data analyzing methods to discover usage patterns and potentials to optimize system capacity

Job ansehen

Sie verantworten den ganzheitlichen Prozess von der gezielten und nachhaltigen Kundengewinnung bis zur selbstständigen Verhandlung von VertragsabschlüssenSie beraten und betreuen Ihre Kunden mit dem Z

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Support strategic planning, including comprehensive market research and competitive analysis. Develop and execute sales strategies that align with business objectives and open up new market opportunit

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Analysis of the additional requirements and professional consultation of the project team with regards to the best implementation approach. Requirements will be discussed in joint calls with Henkel dx

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Review and revision of the migration architecture for two SAP system landscapes (7 systems in total)Review and revision of the migration runbook for the XTTS migration based on Oracle's best practices

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Test Requirements AnalysisFunctional Test Requirements DefinitionNon-Functional Test Requirements DefinitionTest Case Creation (Functional, Scenarios, E2E, Regression)Test Case ExecutionTest and Defec

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Responsible for local procurement system(s), including monitoring and resolving any issues related to integrating procurement processes and associated system(s) with other functional areas and ensurin

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Rettidig og effektiv behandling af leverandørfakturaer i systemet, søge løsning på problemer eller henvise til den rette personGennemgå elektroniske leverandørfakturaer og løse alle problemer for at s

Job ansehen

Provide implementation and operational management support for the software applicationWorks under the guidance of Business Application Manager/ Business Application Lead to accomplish his/her responsi

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Fastsættelse af salgsplaner, mål og målsætningerCoaching og træning af salgsteamet for at sikre kontinuerlig udvikling og forbedringUdforme salgsprognoser og budgettering for at optimere ressourceallo

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